Program Recommendation


If you are you a Career Education (CE) faculty member who has been tasked with developing a new CTE certificate or degree (program) for your college, you will need to secure regional consortium recommendation from the Orange County Regional Consortium (OCRC) before you submit your program approval documents to the State Chancellor’s Office for formal approval (chaptering).

Your College Resource Leadership Council (CRLC), (i.e. Voting Member or CTE Dean) can advise you on the regional recommendation process for submitting new and/or modified CE program to align with your college’s curriculum approval process. You should also consult your college’s curriculum committee chair (or designee) early in the new and/or modified CE program development process.

Chancellor’s Office Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH), 7th Edition

The OC Consortium

The OCRC is comprised of the nine community colleges and one continuing education center in the Orange County Region. The California Community College Chancellor’s Office requires that all requests for new CTE program approvals include a recommendation from the “appropriate CTE Regional Consortium” (PCAH 6th Edition, page 17). This recommendation ensures program offerings meet regional labor market needs and do not unnecessarily duplicate programs.

In accordance with the OCRC’s Bylaws, the OCRC vested responsibility for recommending new programs, program revisions, and other program matters with its College Resource Leadership Council composed of Voting Members. 

Colleges seeking regional recommendation must submit their request online at The process is described on the next tab, "Process".

Guiding Principles for OCRC Recommendation

  • Format for Submitting a Request: Colleges seeking regional recommendation of new or substantially changed programs must do so by completing the online request form. Before submitting the request form, they must obtain LMI information from the region’s Center of Excellence (COE).
  • Timeline: The region is committed to review and act on all requests for regional recommendation within 30 days, provided the request is complete at the time it is submitted. The College Resource Leadership Council (CRLC) Members, also known as Voting Members, hold regular monthly meetings between September and June. Meeting dates, meeting format (online or in-person) and agendas can be found on this page under the “Meetings” tab.
  • Voting: A vote to recommend a new program will occur at the CRLC Business meeting. Each college present at the meeting will receive one vote. The college’s Voting Member (or their alternate) will place the vote for their college. A minimum of seven colleges must participate in any meeting where a vote is to be taken. Seven votes are required to pass any action. The college requesting recommendation should be present at the CRLC Business meeting in order to discuss their request. College faculty responsible for the development or revision of the program are also encouraged to attend the meeting.
  • Minutes: Minutes will be reviewed and approved at the beginning of each business meeting and will be posted to the OCRC website within five (5) business days. The outcome of the vote, along with any discussion, including any substantive comments or concerns voiced by the CRLC members, will be recorded in the meeting minutes. The college’s CRLC member is responsible for communicating those comments and/or concerns to their college’s appropriate program personnel. Minutes for the current academic year can be found on this page under the "Minutes" tab. 

Submission Process

Step 1: Request Labor Market Information from the Center of Excellence (COE)

Labor Market Information for Program Recommendation Request Form

The PCAH 6th Edition (page 86) states: “Pursuant to Education Code section 78015 Labor Market Information (LMI) data is specifically required for all new CTE program proposals, where available. Current LMI and analysis, or other comparable information, must show that jobs are available for program completers within the local service area of the individual college and/or that job enhancement or promotion justifies the proposed curriculum.”

The OCRC relies on consistent LMI data provided by the region’s COE in order to make a recommendation for a program. A subcommittee of the CRLC has agreed upon the LMI endorsement criteria to be used in the COE’s labor market brief. This includes identification of whether or not a labor supply gap exists, whether or not the occupations for which the proposed program will train students have entry-level wages above the current self-sufficiency standard living wage, and whether or not said occupations require educational attainment congruent with a community college education.

Once issued, a labor market information brief for program recommendation is valid for one year from its publication date for which it may be submitted as a valid part of the Program Recommendation Application. If a year has elapsed, a new labor market request must be submitted and analyzed using current data.

Each individual proposed program and/or certificate must be submitted individually and must include the exact program or certificate name that will be submitted to the Chancellor’s Office.

All labor market information briefs for program recommendation will be published on the Statewide COE website: and will be archived after two years from publication date. If a college sees a published labor market information brief for program recommendation on the website that they think would work for one of their proposed programs or certificates, that college must still complete a formal request for labor market information and include their specific program or certificate name(s). If the TOP and SOC codes match and new data is not available, the COE, at its discretion, may reissue the report under the new college’s request.  

Step 2: Complete the “Program Recommendation Application” using the Regional CTE website

Complete and submit the Program Application using website. Please click on calendar below for more information and submission deadlines.

College Resource Leadership Council (CRLC) 2024-2025 Calendar

The region is committed to review and act on all requests for regional recommendation within 30 days, provided the request is complete at the time it is submitted. The CRLC members hold regular monthly meetings between September and June. Meeting dates can be found on the OCRC website under Meetings.

Program Recommendation Resources 

  1. Program Recommendation Process Step-by-Step
  2. Program Recommendation Chart
  3. Short Video: Summary of the process  
  4. Short Video: How programs are reviewed for the regional consortium agenda 


Date Meeting Voting Session? Minutes
January 2025 OCRC January 2025 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Unavailable
December 2024 OCRC December 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Unavailable
November 2024 OCRC November 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Unavailable
October 2024 OCRC October 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
September 2024 OCRC September 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
August 2024 OCRC August 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
June 2024 OCRC June 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
May 2024 OCRC May 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
April 2024 OCRC April 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
March 2024 OCRC March 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
February 2024 OCRC February 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
January 2024 OCRC January 2024 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
December 2023 OCRC December 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
November 2023 OCRC November 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
October 2023 OCRC October 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
September 2023 OCRC September 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
August 2023 OCRC August 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
June 2023 OCRC June 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
May 2023 OCRC May 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
April 2023 OCRC April 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
March 2023 OCRC March 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
February 2023 OCRC February 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
January 2023 OCRC January 2023 Program Recommendation (CRLC Business Meeting) Yes Minutes
December 2022 OCRC December 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
November 2022 OCRC November 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
October 2022 OCRC October 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
September 2022 OCRC September 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
August 2022 OCRC August 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
June 2022 OCRC June 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
May 2022 OCRC May 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
April 2022 OCRC April 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
March 2022 OCRC March 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
February 2022 OCRC February 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
January 2022 OCRC January 2022 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
December 2021 December 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
November 2021 November 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
October 2021 October 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
September 2021 September 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
June 2021 June 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
May 2021 May 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
April 2021 April 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
March 2021 March 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
February 2021 February 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
January 2021 January 2021 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
December 2020 December 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
November 2020 November 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
October 2020 October 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
September 2020 September 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
July 2020 July 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
June 2020 June 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
May 2020 May 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
April 2020 April 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
March 2020 March 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
February 2020 February 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
January 2020 January 2020 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
December 2019 December 2019 CRLC Business Meeting Yes Minutes
May 2019 May 2019 CRLC Business Meeting (Program Recommendation) No Minutes
April 2019 April 2019 CRLC Business Meeting No Minutes
March 2019 March 2019 Program Recommendation No Minutes
February 2019 February 2019 Program Recommendation Yes Minutes
January 2019 January 2019 Program Recommendation Yes Minutes
December 2018 December 2018 Program Recommendation Meeting Yes Minutes
November 2018 November 2018 Program Recommendation Meeting Yes Minutes
October 2018 October 2018 Program Recommendation Meeting (CRLC Business Meeting) No Minutes
September 2018 September 2018 Program Recommendation No Minutes
June 2018 June 2018 Program Recommendation No Minutes
May 2018 May 2018 Program Recommendation No Minutes
April 2018 April 2018 Program Recommendation Yes Minutes
March 2018 March 2018 Program Recommendation: Conference Call No Unavailable
February 2018 February 2018 Program Recommendation No Minutes
January 2018 January 2018 Program Recommendation No Minutes
December 2017 December 2017 Program Recommendation: Conference Call No Minutes
November 2017 November 2017 Program Recommendation No Minutes
October 2017 October 2017 Program Recommendation No Minutes
September 2017 September 2017 Program Recommendation No Minutes
June 2017 June 2017 College Resource Leadership Council (CRLC) Meeting Yes Minutes
May 2017 May 2017 Program Recommendation Yes Minutes
April 2017 April 2017 Program Recommendation Yes Minutes
March 2017 March 2017 Program Recommendation Yes Minutes
January 2017 January 2017 Program Approval Yes Minutes
January 2017 February 2017 Program Approval Yes Minutes
December 2016 December 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
November 2016 November 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
October 2016 October 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
September 2016 September 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
August 2016 August 2016 e-Meeting Yes Minutes
June 2016 June 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
May 2016 May 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
April 2016 April 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
March 2016 March 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
February 2016 February 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
January 2016 January 2016 Program Approval Yes Minutes
December 2015 December 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
November 2015 November 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
October 2015 October 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
September 2015 September 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
June 2015 June 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
May 2015 May 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
April 2015 April 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
March 2015 March 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
February 2015 February 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
January 2015 January 2015 Program Approval Yes Minutes
December 2014 December 2014 Program Approval Yes Minutes
November 2014 November 2014 Program Approval Yes Minutes
October 2014 October 2014 Program Approval Yes Minutes
September 2014 September 2014 Program Approval Yes Minutes
June 2014 June 2014 Program Approval Yes Minutes
April 2014 April 2014 Program Approval Yes Minutes
April 2014 May 2014 Program Approval Yes Minutes
February 2014 February 2014 Program Approval Yes Minutes
January 2014 January 2014 Program Approval Yes Minutes
December 2013 December 2013 Program Approval Yes Minutes
November 2013 November 2013 Program Approval Yes Minutes
October 2013 October 2013 Program Approval Yes Minutes
September 2013 September 2013 Program Approval Yes Minutes

Voting Overview Regional Consortia Voting Member Roles and Responsibilities

The Regional Consortia (RC) Voting Member is the official representative of their college. Each college designee is selected by their College President or Chief Instructional Officer.

The RC Voting Members’ responsibilities may include recommending for approval new, expanded, or revised Career Education (CE) programs to the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges. The RC voting member will represent their college in addressing the needs of business and industry, educational systems and other stakeholders within the region’s workforce development community.

The Voting Members will also engage in policy discussions on the work of the Regional Consortia. As needed, small taskforces may be organized to discuss and resolve issues for the RC.

RC Voting Member Responsibilities:

  1. Represent their college as its voting member
  2. Serve as campus liaison between their college and the Regional Consortia and other Key Talent
  3. Act as the first point of contact at their college for regional CTE funding opportunities
  4. Assist campus CE faculty in preparing programs for regional approval
  5. Assist the Regional Consortia with building regional partnerships
  6. Communicate with their college leadership on the work of the Regional Consortia

Pending Recommendation

Visit the “Process” tab on this page to read about the process.

Recent Recommended Program Proposals

Program Name College Date

Program Data Requests

Session College Program Title Contact Minutes Status
May 2017 IRVINE Real Estate-AS_CoA Corine Doughty Download Expired
May 2017 LBCC Library Technician Michelle Grimes-Hillman Download Expired
May 2017 ELAC Phlebotomy Technician I Alex Davis Download Expired
May 2017 IRVINE Live Entertainment Technician Corine Doughty Download Expired
May 2017 IRVINE Technical Theater Corine Doughty Download Expired
May 2017 MTSAC Video Engineering-CoA Jemma Blake-Judd Download Expired
April 2017 LAMC Web Application Developer Dr. Monte Perez Download Expired
April 2017 SAC Quality Control and Inspection Bart Hoffman Download Expired
April 2017 PASADENA Music Entrepreneurship Dr. Rocky Cifone Download Expired
April 2017 SAC Quality Control and Inspection Bart Hoffman Download Expired
April 2017 LBCC Fire Academy Mollie Smith Download Expired
April 2017 SAC Medical Device Quality Assurance Bart Hoffman Download Expired
April 2017 LBCC Automotive Technology Mollie Smith Download Expired
April 2017 LBCC Police Academy Mollie Smith Download Expired
April 2017 CITRUS Architecture-AS Jim Lancaster Download Expired
April 2017 LAMC Computer Programming Dr. Monte Perez and Dr. Alex Davis Download Expired
April 2017 LACC Cybersecurity Alex Davis Download Expired
April 2017 LBCC Police Academy Mollie Smith Download Expired
April 2017 PASADENA Music Entrepreneurship Dr. Rocky Cifone Download Expired
April 2017 SAC Quality Control and Inspection Bart Hoffman Download Expired
April 2017 LBCC Fire Academy Mollie Smith Download Expired
April 2017 LBCC Automotive Technology Mollie Smith Download Expired
April 2017 LAMC Web Application Developer Dr. Monte Perez Download Expired
April 2017 PASADENA Music Entrepreneurship Dr. Rocky Cifone Download Expired
April 2017 LBCC Fire Academy Mollie Smith Download Expired

Pre-Approved Programs

1. Submit a Program Recommendation using the sample provided below via the Regional CTE website (

a. When submitting the application choose "Pre-Approved" as reason.

2. Attach the Cloud Computing Regional Minutes below.

3. Attach the Regional LMI provided Below. Should you have any questions please feel free to contact

Cloud Computing Sample Regional CTE Website Application

Cloud Computing Information Report

Cloud Computing Minutes

Cloud Computing LMI